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Helping you to develop your workforce on the job

Apprenticeships offer new entrants to industry the opportunity to gain recognised qualifications in a trade or skill combined with practical training and hands-on experience with an employer. APTUS, which is managed by OPITO and ECITB, is widely recognised as one of the most successful apprenticeship schemes of its kind.

Sea hero

The APTUS apprenticeship programme

APTUS apprentices enjoy a mix of classroom learning and placements

OPITO has managed APTUS, formerly OGTAP, on behalf of energy operating companies since 1999. There are currently over 20 participating energy industry employers.

If you are interested in bringing apprentices into your business, then you can contact OPITO directly to learn more about the opportunities available.

APTUS Apprenticeship 

Discover the opportunities provided through the APTUS Apprenticeship