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Training provider resources

Over the last few months in a time of great uncertainty, open communication has become more important than ever.

OPITO moved quickly to support our people, partners and stakeholders in line with our purpose: to partner with industry to develop a safe and skilled workforce.

We now issue a dedicated weekly bulletin to our global network of training providers with our latest guidance, updates on changes to our audit and training delivery process and information about our series of webinars which we have been running to support the implementation of OPITO measures. These have received positive feedback so far with more than 200 delegates regularly attending.

OPITO has also put various measures in place to support the industry from certificate extensions to digital delivery. We are continuing to innovate and accelerate our digital transformation. Since launching the certificate extension policy in March, we have processed more than 13,000 requests.

Alex Spencer, our UK-based Director of Approvals, recently did an interview with industry member led organisation Step Change for Safety, where he outlined how OPITO has stepped up to support delegates at this time. You can see this interview here.

You can find our full advice and guidance for Training Providers on COVID-19 here. If you aren’t already receiving our weekly updates and wish to, please contact externalaffairs@opito.com