#INWED21: Eva’s Engineering Heroes
On 23 June, people around the world came together to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day – a campaign recognising the achievements of female engineers and highlighting the amazing career opportunities waiting for women in the industry.
As a proud sponsor of #INWED21, we honoured this year’s theme - #EngineeringHeroes - by catching up with former OGTAP apprentice, Eva Hymers, to find out who inspired her to pursue a career in engineering.
After completing her apprenticeship in 2017, Eva gained a trainee technician position with her worksite sponsor, BP, where she progressed to a competent electrical technician before securing a job at Serica Energy. Most recently, Eva has made the move into renewables, working as an Operation Electrical Engineer with SSE Renewables on the Beatrice offshore wind farm.

So, Eva, who are your engineering heroes?
When asked this question, my first thought was actually my mum. Whilst not an engineer, she also began her career in a very male dominated industry as she worked to become a qualified saddler. She became an expert at her trade, crafting the highest quality saddles. Her teachers weren’t very supportive of her career choice, but she remained motivated and true to her ambitions.
She ended up training at a prestigious college in London and went on to run her own business. It was this determination that showed my sister and I that no job was impossible and that really inspired me to pursue a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).
When I was younger, I wanted to be an astronaut. When I told my mum this, she said to go for it and that nothing was out of reach. Sometimes, you just need someone to encourage you and tell you that anything is possible. Without supportive people around me, I might not have had the confidence to pursue my dreams.
My parents are also living proof that you don’t have to take the academic route to succeed. Neither went to university and have both become amazing at what they do. Being practically minded, my mum has always been one to teach herself how to do things, rather than finding someone else to do it for her. This gave me the motivation to learn how to fix and find solutions to problems, which is a natural fit for a career in engineering.

My second Engineering Hero is Chelsea Will - a friend I met on day one of the OGTAP scheme. We went through the entire apprenticeship process together and are now close friends who often offer support and guidance to each other. It was nice to have another female to turn to for support.
As she is slightly older than me, she was always able to give me great advice, which I’ve used to grow and progress throughout my career. As a Commissioning Engineer in the renewables industry, she was especially helpful during my move from the oil and gas sector to offshore wind.
Chelsea came into the industry with very little experience, but she always pushed herself and ended up excelling in her role. Her determination rubbed off on me and motivated me to give every job 100 per cent.
In my current role, when I’m working offshore, I can see the ship that she’s working on. It feels like a real full circle moment. The bond we have from start our careers together in an industry that is traditionally male dominated has made the journey so much easier.

My final Engineering Hero is someone who truly influenced my decision to become an engineer.
The reason I chose to apply for the OGTAP scheme was because of an Astronaut called Duane ‘Digger’ Carey, who I met when he visited my primary school. I was amazed by what he did and decided that was the job I wanted when I grew up.
When he came back to visit again in high school, one of my male teachers highlighted to him that I had dreams of becoming an astronaut. I vividly remember Duane sitting right next to me and saying “Anything is possible and if you want to achieve it you can. Per aspera ad astra”, which in Latin means ‘through hardship to the stars’.
These words encouraged me to study science and technology subjects at school, and train to become an engineer - I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t met him.
Whilst there are so many inspiring women that have encouraged me in my career, I also believe that the support of men in the industry have played a huge part in my journey so far. Having male advocates who support female engineers in the industry is so important, and I’m grateful to say that my gender has never influenced the way I’m treated by my colleagues or mentors.
Of course, women like Clara Altobell, VP of ESG and Business Innovation at Serica Energy, are also great role models for those looking to achieve great things in engineering. Clara is the most senior female engineer I’ve met, and you can tell that her gender has no impact on her colleagues’ faith in her ability. Working in a company with a successful female role model was really empowering because knowing that nobody second guesses her judgement just because she’s a woman empowers me to believe I can do the same.

All these heroes have influenced my engineering career in some way. A supportive group of friends and family, as well as work colleagues who trust and support you, is what makes a great female engineer.
As well as this, raising awareness and normalising successful female engineers is a great way to encourage more young women to consider a career in the industry – it’s always handy to have a role model to look up to and I have personally felt the impact of meeting an inspiring role model.
More than anything, having friends who work in a wide range of sectors has shown me that gender isn’t important anymore. With enough determination and ambition, anything is possible.
To find out more about the opportunities available to young women considering a career in engineering, visit www.myenergyfuture.co.uk
Or hear more about life as a female engineer, here.