OPITO Global 2 Training Certificate: Oil and Gas Processing
OPITO Qualification
Product Code: Q000028

Who is this Product for?
The training certificate is designed to prepare learners for a career as a Process Technician. It would also be relevant for learners who would like to develop skills in one or more processing operation. This could include existing Process Technicians who would like to expand their skills.
What does this Product cover?
The training certificate consists of the three mandatory units below, which must be successfully completed:
•OGTS – P09 : Safe Systems of Work for Oil and Gas Processing Operations
•OGTS – P10 : Oil and Gas Processing Drawings
•OGTS – P11 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Techniques
In addition, a minimum of 4 of the following optional units below must be successfully completed:
•OGTS – P12 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Wellheads)
•OGTS – P13 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Oil Pumps)
•OGTS – P14 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Compressor)
•OGTS – P15 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Boiler)
•OGTS – P16 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Distillation)
•OGTS – P17 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Deluge System)
•OGTS – P18 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Separation)
•OGTS – P19 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Pigging)
•OGTS – P20 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Fire and Gas System)
•OGTS – P21 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Gas Dehydration)
•OGTS – P22 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Produced Water)
•OGTS – P23 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Water Injection)
•OGTS – P24 : Oil and Gas Processing Operations Practice (Gas Treatment)
In addition, the following additional unit may be completed:
•OGTS – P25 : Oil and Gas Isolation Operations
Entry Requirements
There are no specific entry requirements however, it is recommended that learners complete the OPITO Global 1 Training Certificate: Basic Oil and Gas Processing or equivalent training before undertaking this training certificate.
Product Achievement Requirements
The training certificate consists of three mandatory units, all of which must be successfully completed along with a minimum of four optional units to achieve the OPITO Global 2 Training Certificate: Oil and Gas Processing. Learners can also complete an additional optional unit in Oil and Gas operations if they wish to do so.
If you require further information about our Global Qualification, or would like to discuss your requirements with a member of the OPITO team, please contact the Products Team in the UK office.
Centres delivering this product
Displaying 1-8 of 8
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Tower, West Corniche Road, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Aberdeen Altens Campus, Hareness Road, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, AB12 3LE
+44 1224 896 196
Aberdeen Altens Campus, Hareness Road, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, AB12 3LE
+44 1224 896 196
46 Dalhousie Road, Dalkeith, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH22 3FR
0131 297 9271
Lot 9764 Mukim Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, 21020
+60 (9) 6686000
Jl. Taman Tekno Blok E3/10, BSD, Tangerang, Indonesia, 15314
+62 (21) 75870022
55 Trans Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt,, Rivers, Nigeria
Takatuf Petrofac Oman (TPO), PO Box: 136 P.C 135, Knowledge Oasis,, Muscat, Oman
+968 22519600