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Oil and Gas / Technical Roles Renewable Energy - Wind / Technical Roles

Working at Height Essentials (Theory)

OPITO Standard

Product Code: 9045

Who is this Product for?

This product is for personnel across the energy sector who require a theoretical understanding and awareness of working at height associated hazards and guidance.

What does this Product cover?

The aim of the Working at Height Essentials (Theory) standard is to introduce learners to working at height, the associated regulations and guidelines as well as hazards, varying equipment and PPE. The objectives of the Working at Height Essentials (Theory) standard are that learners will be able to understand: 

a) Applicable regional legislation and guidelines 

b) Hazards associated with working at height 

c) Safe systems of work for working at height 

d) Different platforms for working at height 

e) Different ladders types, safe use and associated hazards 

f) Fall prevention measures 

g) Fall arrest systems 

h) Appropriate structural anchor points, attachment points and work positioning points 

i) PPE and associated equipment including pre use inspection 

j) Dropped objects 

k) Emergency procedures and rescue equipment

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements.

Product Achievement Requirements

To complete the Working at Height Essentials (Theory)  the mandatory unit must be achieved.

Guided Learning Hours

4 hours

What could this Product lead to?

Working at Height Essentials (Practical)


The validity of the OPITO Working at Height Essentials (Theory) certificate is three years

Please note: If the expiry date on the learners previous certificate is within 3 months prior of the course enrolment date then the date of the new certificate should correspond with the expiry date of the existing/previous certificate unless stated otherwise by the Duty Holder or Asset Owner or Operator.

If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via

Centres delivering this product