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Oil and Gas / Basic Emergency Response

Shallow Water Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System Initial Deployment Training

OPITO Standard

Product Code: 5903

Who is this Product for?

This Product is for personnel travelling to an offshore oil and gas installation by helicopter who require additional training in a Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) will complete this training.

What does this Product cover?

This Product is to complement initial and further offshore safety and emergency response training and assessment (i.e. TBOSIET, T-HUET or T-FOET) for personnel travelling to an offshore oil and gas installation by helicopter when issued with a Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS). 

The objectives of the additional CA-EBS training delivered in addition to the T-BOSIET, T-HUET, T-FOET or OPITO BOSIET/FOET/HUET with EBS programmes are to: 

(a) Ensure learners are familiar with the use of the Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) 

(b) Ensure that learners understand their basic emergency response actions during a helicopter emergency using the CA-EBS

Entry Requirements

Learners must possess a valid OPITO T-BOSIET/T-FOET/T-HUET, BOSIET/FOET/HUET with EBS (or Industry agreed equivalent) certificate prior to attending the OPITO Shallow Water Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System Initial Deployment Training.

Medical Entry Requirements

Training activities contained within this Product may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be capable of participating fully.

OPITO-approved Centres are therefore required, as a minimum, to ensure that prior to participating in practical exercises the learners must either:

(a) Possess a valid, current offshore medical certificate or
(b) Possess an employing company approved medical certificate equivalent to an offshore medical certificate, or
(c) Undergoes medical screening by completing an appropriate medical screening form provided by the OPITO-approved centre.

Additional Medical Requirements specific to Outcome 4 CA-EBS Training (In-Water).

Note 1: Requirements within items d) and e) below denoted with an asterisk (*) are UK requirements only. Non-UK Training Centres must ensure (and be able to demonstrate) that any specific National and/or State medical requirements relating to learners participating in in-water CA-EBS training are fully complied with and are supported by suitable and sufficient risk assessments.

OPITO-approved training centres are required to ensure that prior to participating in in-water CA-EBS practical exercises the learner:

d) Possesses a valid, unexpired Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) offshore medical certificate confirming the learner’s fitness for offshore work* OR possesses a valid, unexpired offshore medical certificate issued by a body outside of the UK which is recognised as equivalent to the OGUK medical certificate of fitness for offshore work* OR possesses a valid, unexpired, medical certificate of fitness to work at sea*, AND
e) Possesses a certificate of fitness to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training issued by a registered OGUK examining doctor*, OR, where the medical fitness certificate for work at sea includes a restriction or is subject to conditions, possesses a statement from an appropriately registered practitioner that the restriction or condition does not result from a respiratory or ENT condition and there is no absolute contraindication to the shallow water learner’s participation in the training*, AND
f) On the date on which the learner is to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training, and prior to entering the water in which the training takes place, the learner gives to the OPITO-approved Centre a statement, that to the best of the learner’s knowledge and belief, the learner has no (current or past) medical condition which makes the learner unfit to participate in the training.

Learners must not participate in practical exercises contained in Outcome 4 if they are unable to meet the requirements of d, e) and f) above.

Note 2: Please note that learners who possess a valid and current certificate of medical fitness provided by an Approved Medical Examiner of Diving (AMED) will not be required to undertake d) and e) above as they have already met the requirements of the Diving at Work Regulations 1997.

The OPITO-approved Centre shall keep a record of the learner’s declaration of fitness in accordance with their document control policy(s) or procedures.

This information, along with summary details of the type of physical activities the learner will be asked to perform, will be given to learners by the OPITO-approved Centre and, if applicable, to their sponsoring company as part of the joining instructions. The responsibility for declaring any known current or pre-existing medical conditions that could have adverse effects to the individual’s state of health while undertaking the training activities lies with the learner and/or company sponsoring the learner.

Where doubt exists regarding the fitness of any learner, the OPITO-approved Centre should direct the individual to consult a medical officer familiar with the nature and extent of the training.

Note: Practical exercises must be designed and delivered solely to meet this Product, and must not place on the learner any demands other than those required to meet the Product.

Product Achievement Requirements

To achieve the Shallow Water Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System Initial Deployment Training the learner will need to complete the mandatory unit.

Guided Learning Hours

2 hours


The Shallow Water CAEBS ID certificate is valid for up to four years but will only remain valid in conjunction with a valid OPITO T-BOSIET, T-FOET, T-HUET, BOSIET, FOET or HUET with EBS (or Industry agreed equivalent) certificate.

Revalidation of Shallow Water CAEBS ID training must be achieved through subsequent OPITO T-BOSIET with CA-EBS, T-FOET with CA-EBS, T-HUET with CA-EBS or BOSIET/FOET/HUET with CA-EBS certification.

If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via requestsforproductspec@opito.com

Centres delivering this product