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Oil and Gas / Basic Emergency Response

Preparation of Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea Training Standard Initial

OPITO Standard

Product Code: 9007

Who is this Product for?

This Product is for personnel associated with the preparation of dangerous goods for transport by sea to and from an onshore supply base and an offshore installation.

What does this Product cover?

This Product aims to equip the learner with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to carry out the role of packaging and transporting dangerous goods by sea effectively.

Entry Requirements

There are no learner pre-requisites for this training. However, because of the administrative nature of the role, learners must have a good understanding of the language in which the documentation and forms are written in their area. They must also have a good understanding of the language in which the course is being taught.

Product Achievement Requirements

To achieve the OPITO Preparation of Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea Training Standard Initial the learner will need to complete the 2 mandatory units.

Guided Learning Hours

21 hours

What could this Product lead to?

The Preparation of Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea Refresher Training


2 years

Please note: If the expiry date on the learners previous certificate is within 3 months prior of the course enrolment date then the date of the new certificate should correspond with the expiry date of the existing/previous certificate unless stated otherwise by the Duty Holder or Asset Owner or Operator.

If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via

Centres delivering this product