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Oil and Gas / Technical Roles

Minimum Industry Safety Training Standard

OPITO Standard

Product Code: 5301

Who is this Product for?

This Product is to introduce the fundamental safety elements of the offshore oil & gas industry to new starts, giving an appreciation of the potential hazards and controls that might be encountered by personnel offshore. Each unit has been designed to focus the learners’ attention on their personal responsibility for safety thus influencing their behaviour and attitude towards their co-workers, the installation and the environment.

What does this Product cover?

This Product will provide learners with an awareness of the major accident hazards, workplace hazards and associated controls to be found on offshore installations.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements. 

However, if working offshore, it is expected that this programme will be taken after the OPITO approved BOSIET course so Centres can build on knowledge previously attained. However, if this is not the case then the BOSIET course will be required prior to travelling offshore and the learner will receive some reinforcement of knowledge previously gained.

There are no specific medical requirements, although personnel must have a current offshore medical certificate before being allowed to work offshore.

Product Achievement Requirements

To achieve the OPITO Minimum Industry Safety Training, the learner will need to complete the 5 mandatory units.

Guided Learning Hours

Delivery Option 1:

Units 1-5 of the MIST can be delivered consecutively over two days with an optimum contact time of 13.5 hours.

Delivery Option 2:

One or more units can be incorporated into an employer’s in-house training programme. The table below gives the Centre a minimum time in which to deliver the contents of each unit detailed within this Product..

Where this option is chosen, in addition to satisfying OPITO’s Approval Criteria, the following conditions apply:

1. The MIST content may be incorporated into more in-depth programmes of longer duration, e.g. “PTW User” training, company specific Safety Observation Systems, etc.
2. All MIST related learning material and documentation must clearly reference the applicable section(s) of the MIST standard
3. Each learner will complete the MIST training within a 30 day period
4. A system to record which units and on which dates have been completed by each learner, must be maintained

5. A learner will not be deemed to have completed the MIST training, and will not be registered on Vantage, until the learner has attended all of the five MIST units


Within both ‘Delivery Options’, where some units are to be delivered within ‘in-depth’ and/or ‘in-house’ programmes by a sub-contracting company (whether by classroom or CBT delivery); ‘OPITO Approval’ will remain with the organisation applying for approval. It will be the responsibility of that ‘OPITO Approved’ organisation to ensure all training material and delivery complies with this Product.

Major Accident Hazards - 120 minutes (including 20 minutes for test & discussion)
Workplace Hazards and Personal Safety - 300 minutes (including 20 minutes for test & discussion)
Risk Management - 210 minutes (including 10 minutes for test & discussion)
Control of Work - 90 minutes (including 10 minutes for test & discussion)
Helicopter Safety - 90 minutes (including 10 minutes for test & discussion)

Delivery through CBT

An organisation may decide that the most appropriate method for delivering this learning is through computer based training (CBT) supported by some elements of demonstration and learner participation. As with classroom instruction, it will be up to the organisation that applies for OPITO approval to demonstrate how the outcomes will be met and the tests delivered.

The recommended contact times are for classroom based delivery and may not apply to CBT delivery. However the time spent on each unit as a percentage of the total time will not change and it is foreseeable that this would take a minimum of 9.5 hours (in total).


4 years

Please note: If the expiry date on the learners previous certificate is within 3 months prior of the course enrolment date then the date of the new certificate should correspond with the expiry date of the existing/previous certificate unless stated otherwise by the Duty Holder or Asset Owner or Operator.

If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via

Centres delivering this product