+673 (3) 227252
International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST) Standard
OPITO Standard
Product Code: 5312

Who is this Product for?
This Product is to introduce the fundamental safety elements of the oil & gas industry to new starts, giving an appreciation of the potential hazards and controls that might be encountered by personnel. Each unit has been designed to focus the learners’ attention on their personal responsibility for safety thus influencing their behaviour and attitude towards their co-workers, the oil and gas operations and the environment.
What does this Product cover?
This Product will introduce learners to the key safety elements required by all employees working in the oil and gas industry. It also ensures the knowledge and understanding of these basic safety elements are maintained and current amongst the existing workforce
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements.
There are no specific medical requirements, although personnel must have a current offshore medical certificate before being allowed to work offshore.
Product Achievement Requirements
To achieve the OPITO Oil & Gas Industry International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST), the learner will need to complete the 9 mandatory units.
Guided Learning Hours
The total training day includes contact time, refreshment and meal breaks and travel between training sites where applicable. The total contact time per day shall not exceed 8 hours and the total training day shall not exceed 10 hours. Contact time for delegates should not run consecutively for more than 2 hours without a refreshment break.
Each unit will require the trainer to explain aims, learning outcomes, timetable, assessment methods and training staff roles. The time taken for this is expected to be approximately 10 minutes for each unit.
OPITO approval will not be awarded for delivery of individual IMIST units, only for the complete (9 unit) standard. However, there are two different approaches which can be taken in relation to the delivery of the standard:
Delivery Option 1:
The units of the IMIST can be delivered consecutively over two days with an optimum contact time of 13.5 hours. The table below indicates the approximate time in which to deliver the contents of each unit:
Hazardous Environment - 30 minutes (including 10 minutes for test & discussion).
Working Safely 2 hours (including practical session and 15 minutes for test & discussion).
Risk Assessment 2 hours (including practical session and 10 minutes for test & discussion).
Permit to Work 1½ hours (including practical session and 10 minutes for test & discussion).
Asset Integrity 1 hour (including 10 minutes for test & discussion).
Manual Handling 1½ hours (including practical session and 10 minutes for test & discussion).
Controlling the use of Hazardous Substances 2 hours (including 15 minutes for test & discussion).
Working at Height 1½ hours (including 10 minutes for test & discussion).
Mechanical Lifting 1½ hours (including 10 minutes for test & discussion).
Delivery Option 2:
One or more units can be incorporated into an employer’s in-house training programme. The table below gives the training provider a minimum time in which to deliver the contents of each unit detailed within this standard.
Where this option is chosen, in addition to satisfying OPITO’s Approval Criteria, the following conditions apply:
- The IMIST content may be incorporated into more in-depth programmes of longer duration, e.g. “PTW User” training, company specific Safety Observation Systems, etc.
- All IMIST related learning material and documentation must clearly reference the applicable section(s) of the MIST standard.
- Each learner will complete the IMIST training within a 30 day period.
- A system to record which units and on which dates have been completed by each learner, must be maintained.
- A learner will not be deemed to have completed the MIST training, and will not be registered on Vantage, until the learner has attended all of the nine IMIST units.
Note: Within both ‘Delivery Options’, where some units are to be delivered within ‘in-depth’ and/or ‘in-house’ programmes by a sub-contracting company (whether by classroom or CBT delivery); ‘OPITO Approval’ will remain with the organisation applying for approval. It will be the responsibility of that ‘OPITO Approved’ organisation to ensure all training material and delivery complies with this IMIST Product.
Delivery through CBT
An organisation may decide that the most appropriate method for delivering this learning is through computer based training (CBT) supported by some elements of demonstration and delegate participation. As with classroom instruction, it will be up to the organisation that applies for OPITO approval to demonstrate how the learning outcomes will be met and the tests delivered.
The recommended contact times for classroom based delivery and may not apply to CBT delivery. However the time spent on each unit as a percentage of the total time will not change and it is foreseeable that this would take a minimum of 9.5 hours (in total).
What could this Product lead to?
Reassessment, via an on-line assessment, will take place every four years or more frequently if persons have not worked in the industry for at least 12 months.
4 years
Please note: If the expiry date on the learners previous certificate is within 3 months prior of the course enrolment date then the date of the new certificate should correspond with the expiry date of the existing/previous certificate unless stated otherwise by the Duty Holder or Asset Owner or Operator.
If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via requestsforproductspec@opito.com
Centres delivering this product
Displaying 1-10 of 16
Lot 86 & 87, Tapak Perindustrian Sg Bera, Seria, Brunei Darussalam, KB2133
Km 4East West Road Ozuoba, Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria
+234 (70) 36261006
Villa no: 94 Al Madeed Street no. 980, Mamoura, Doha, Qatar
+974 44010888
Sloterweg 527, Badhoevedorp, Netherlands, 1171 VG
+31 (0) 85 130 74 61
Muelle de s/n Puerto de Taliarte, Melenara, Spain, Spain, 35214
+34 928 971 043
Route de Gabes 10km. Ceinture Agareb, BP. 40 Tyna El Jadida, Sfax, Tunisia
+216 (7) 4679644
PO Box 685, Kuala Belait, Seria, Brunei Darussalam, KA1133
+673 (3) 332800 / +673 (3) 342212
Offshore House, Claymore Drive, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, AB23 8GD
+44 (0) 1224 651 340
Izmir Plaza 2 Floor Block 1034, 2nd Floor Izmir Street, Baku, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, AZ1065
+994 12 447 4711/12/13
Bairro Vila Verde Kativa, Q2, Entrada Principal de Acesso à Centralidade do Sequele, Luanda, Angola
(+244) 922432369 /916971905