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Helideck Emergency Response Team Leader Workplace Competence Assessment Standard
OPITO Standard
Product Code: 7044
Who is this Product for?
This Product is for personnel who are required to be assessed against the helideck emergency response role requirements during offshore drills and scenarios.
This Product form part of a wider industry Helideck Training and Competence Framework including helideck operations initial training, helideck emergency response team member and team leader initial/further training and associated helideck role workplace competence assessment standards. Further information on the wider industry Helideck Training and Competence Framework is depicted in the Helideck Training and Competence Framework - See supporting document
What does this Product cover?
This Product is to formally assess the competence of the candidate in the role of a HERTL during emergency response drills and scenarios.
Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for the HERTL Workplace Competence Assessment. However, HERTLs are expected to have completed Helideck Emergency Response Team Leader training followed by supervised workplace training prior to being formally assessed.
The OPITO Helideck Emergency Response Team Leader Standard is available for individuals who are required to complete helideck emergency response team leader training.
Medical entry requirements
Training activities contained within this Product may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be capable of participating fully.
Note: Practical exercises must be designed and delivered solely to meet this Product and must not place on the learners any demands other than those required to meet the Product.
Product Achievement Requirements
To achieve the Helideck Emergency Response Team Leader Workplace Competence Assessment the candidate will need to complete the 2 mandatory units.
Guided Learning Hours
There are no specific timings for the duration of the HERTL Workplace Competence Assessment . However, sufficient time and access to candidates must be arranged in order to ensure that all required performance and knowledge criteria can be suitably assessed.
2 years
Please note: If the expiry date on the learners previous certificate is within 90 days prior of the course enrolment date then the date of the new certificate should correspond with the expiry date of the existing/previous certificate unless stated otherwise by the Duty Holder or Asset Owner or Operator.
If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via requestsforproductspec@opito.com
Centres delivering this product
Displaying 1-3 of 3
Dolphin Drilling Ltd Howe moss Drive, Kirkhill Industrial Estate Dyce, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, AB21 0GL
46 Glen Road, Glenavy, Co Antrim, Ireland, BT29 4LX
07483 262909
Foinavon Close Aberdeen Airport East, Dyce, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, AB21 7EG
+44 (0) 844 474 2142