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Helicopter Landing Officer, Helicopter Emergency Response Team Leader (HLO HERTL) Workplace Competence Assessment Standard for Normally Unattended Installations (NUIs)

OPITO Standard

Product Code: 7051

Who is this Product for?

This product is for personnel who are required to be assessed against the role requirements during normal helideck operations on board a Normally Unmanned Installations (NUI) or Not Permanently Attended Installations (NPAI).

What does this Product cover?

This Product is for personnel who are required to be assessed against the role requirements during helideck operations on a Normally Unattended Installations (NUIs) or Not Permanently Attended Installations (NPAI).

Entry Requirements

There are no prerequisites for the HLO HERTL Workplace Competence Assessment for NUIs. However, HLO HERTLs are expected to have completed helideck operations initial training followed by supervised workplace training prior to being formally assessed.

Medical entry requirements

Training activities contained within this Product may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be capable of participating fully.

Note: Practical exercises must be designed and delivered solely to meet this Product and must not place on the learners any demands other than those required to meet the Product.

Product Achievement Requirements

To achieve the Helicopter Landing Officer, Helicopter Emergency Response Team Leader (HLO HERTL) Workplace Competence Assessment for Normally Unattended Installations (NUIs) all two mandatory units must be achieved.

Guided Learning Hours

4 hours

However, sufficient time and access to candidates must be arranged to ensure that all required outcomes and criteria can be suitably assessed.


2 years

Please note: If the expiry date on the learners previous certificate is within 90 days prior of the course enrolment date then the date of the new certificate should correspond with the expiry date of the existing/previous certificate unless stated otherwise by the Duty Holder or Asset Owner or Operator.

If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via

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