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Elected Safety Representatives Development Training - Conduct independent inspections & audits and present findings and concerns effectively
OPITO Standard
Product Code: 7084
Who is this Product for?
This Product is for Elected Safety Representatives (ESRs).
What does this Product cover?
This Product aims to ensure learners understand and identify major accident hazards, is to support improved health and safety through more effective workforce involvement, by helping safety representatives develop their effectiveness and confidence through achievement of the following Product:
Conduct independent inspections & audits and present findings and concerns effectively
Entry Requirements
Learners must be in possession of an Offshore Safety Representative Initial Training certificate (or have acquired equivalent knowledge, understanding and skills by other routes). Learners are also expected to be up to date with current safety legislation, either through recent attendance on the OPITO-approved Offshore Safety Representative Training or through self-directed learning.
Medical requirements
All personnel who participate in ESR training should be medically fit and capable of participating fully. The responsibility for the individual completing the course, without any adverse effects to their present state of health, lies with the learner and/or the company sponsoring the learner. Where doubt exists regarding the medical fitness of any learner the training establishment should seek the advice of a medical officer.
Product Achievement Requirements
To achieve the Elected Safety Representatives Development Training - Conduct independent inspections & audits and present findings and concerns effectively the learner will need to complete the 1 mandatory unit.
Guided Learning Hours
16 hours
What could this Product lead to?
Understand and identify major accident hazards (7081)
Understand risk analysis to get involved in preparing/revising safety cases (7082)
Investigate incidents and apply root cause analysis (7083)
There will be no expiry date for the OPITO Approved Elected Safety Representative Development Training. However, there is no bar on ESRs repeating the programme at a later stage if they feel they would benefit from it. That would be a matter for discussion between the individual ESR and the duty-holder.
Please note: If the expiry date on the learners previous certificate is within 3 months prior of the course enrolment date then the date of the new certificate should correspond with the expiry date of the existing/previous certificate unless stated otherwise by the Duty Holder or Asset Owner or Operator.
If you are an OPITO stakeholder, you can request access to a full product specification by contacting OPITO directly via requestsforproductspec@opito.com
Centres delivering this product
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Building 3 Aberdeen International Business Park, Dyce Drive, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, AB21 0BR